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  • #115355

    In reply to: Autofire on the axis



    Thanks for this custom kernel – it fixed the problem with my Xin-Mo. However it broke my wifi. I’m using a TP Link W725N. You have to download and install the drivers manually for your specific Kernel as described here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=62371&hilit=wn725n

    So when I install your Kernel (0816) the WIFI adapter isn’t recognized any more. Doing a uname -a I get: 3.18.9-v7+ #5.

    So I downloaded the TP Link drivers most closely matching this i.e.:

    3.18.9-v7+ #767, #768 – 8188eu-v7-20150307.tar.gz
    3.18.9-v7+ #772 – 8188eu-v7-20150307.tar.gz

    However this doesn’t work.

    Do you have any suggestion as to how I could get my Xin-mo and TP Link W725N working together?

    Many thanks in advance


    from that forum link I posted you could try this:
    sudo wget https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8188eu/raw/c83976d1dfb4793893158461430261562b3a5bf0/rtl8188eufw.bin -O /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8188eufw.bin

    sudo reboot

    and then use wpa supplicant along with interfaces detailed here:


    My guess is you installed this driver?

    wget https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80256631/8188eu-v7-20150212.tar.gz
    tar xzf 8188eu-v7-20150212.tar.gz

    If so that was my last guess if this driver and wicd-curses doesn’t work.


    Migrating from 2.2 to 2.3

    If you are looking to migrate from 2.2 to 2.3, it is much easier to copy files off the old image using winscp (or something similar), then copy them back into place in 2.3. Save these files:


    Your saved games are located in the roms folder, if you’d prefer to only save those (since I hope you backup your roms elsewhere!)


    Fresh Build

    1) Download the latest version of RetroPie’s SD image. This document is based off version 2.3.


    2) Download and use Win32 Disk Imager to apply the above SD image to a 4 GB or larger SD card. 8 GB is really recommended.


    3) Boot the SD Image on your Raspberry Pi.

    4) The first time the system boots up into Emulation Station, you will need to setup your joystick.

    5) If this is a new Pi, you’ll probably want to update to the latest firmware and reboot. You may need to use a wired cable even if you plan on using wifi.

    sudo rpi-update
    sudo reboot
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

    6) I purchased a EW-7811Un USB wifi, which is supported by the Raspberry Pi out of the box. I also have a TL-WN725N, which can be setup as follows:


    tar -zxvf 8188eu-201xyyzz.tar.gz
    sudo install -p -m 644 8188eu.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
    sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/8188eu.ko
    sudo depmod -a

    7) Now we need to setup wifi. Edit /etc/network/interfaces to configure wlan0.

    allow-hotplug wlan0
    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-ssid zInternet
    wpa-psk *******

    8) Before we can move to configuring everything via SSH, we need to configure our joystick for the emulators themselves.

    cd /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin
    sudo ./retroarch-joyconfig -j 1 >> /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg

    9) Grab the IP address and SSH into the device to continue configuration. The default user/password that comes with Raspbian is used: The username is “pi”, the password is “raspberry”.

    10) Let’s setup the player 2 controller for our emulators before we forget.

    cd /opt/retropie/configs/all/
    vi retroarch.cfg

    Copy and paste the entire section that begins with “input_player1_” and change it to “input_player2_”. Don’t forget to change the “input_player_joypad_index” to 1 or 2 as well.

    Note: If you have a keyboard connected, things can be a little odd. You may need to change the joypad index to 0 and 1 if you remove the keyboard, which I’m going to do.

    At the end of the retroarch.cfg file, it is a good idea to add the following to allow you to press select+start to exit the game.

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = "8"
    input_exit_emulator_btn = "9"

    I also like to take advantage of the save and load states in emulation, which some people consider cheating. Add the following lines to enable these buttons on your joypad.

    input_save_state_btn = "5"
    input_load_state_btn = "4"

    After this has been done, you can hold select and press the L and R paddles to save and load states respectively. I also like to add some in-game volume control.

    input_volume_up_axis = "-1"
    input_volume_down_axis = "+1"

    11) Run configuration.

    sudo raspi-config

    12) Change password.

    13) Change Memory-split to 384.

    14) Set your time zone and localization options, then configure the keyboard keymap. I used en_US.UTF-8.

    15) Expand root file system to fill entire SD card.

    16) Force audio out of audio jack (instead of HDMI).

    17) Exit from tool and reboot.

    18) SSH back in (if you are using DHCP, the resizing of the file system can cause an IP change).

    19) Now copy your Roms to the SMB shares (ex. \\RaspberryPi\snes is where the Super Nintendo ROMs go).

    20) All done? Reboot and game on.

    sudo reboot

    21) Start up any Genesis/Megadrive game and press F1 on the keyboard. Go through the options and select “6-button controller” for Sega Genesis. Save the config.

    22) And once you are happy for a few days, go back into “raspi-config” and overclock your pi, if you are feeling daring. It will iron out some of the annoying blips in audio. I purchased a few heat sinks just in case. I go turbo without issue.


    Well I see it asked a lot, and I keep notes for myself, so I figured I would share. I’ve updated my build document for version 2.2 and am having a blast playing with the new interface.


    1) Download the latest version of RetroPie’s SD image. This document is based off version 2.2.


    2) Download and use Win32 Disk Imager to apply the above SD image to a 4 GB or larger SD card. 8 GB is really recommended.


    3) Boot the SD Image on your Raspberry Pi.

    4) The first time the system boots up into Emulation Station, you will need to setup your joystick.

    5) If this is a new Pi, you’ll probably want to update to the latest firmware and reboot. You may need to use a wired cable even if you plan on using wifi.

    sudo rpi-update
    sudo reboot
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

    6) I purchased a EW-7811Un USB wifi, which is supported by the Raspberry Pi out of the box. I also have a TL-WN725N, which can be setup as follows:


    tar -zxvf 8188eu-201xyyzz.tar.gz
    sudo install -p -m 644 8188eu.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
    sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/8188eu.ko
    sudo depmod -a

    7) Now we need to setup wifi. Edit /etc/network/interfaces to configure wlan0.

    allow-hotplug wlan0
    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-ssid zInternet
    wpa-psk *******

    8) Before we can move to configuring everything via SSH, we need to configure our joystick for the emulators themselves.

    sudo chown pi /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg
    cd /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/installdir/bin
    sudo ./retroarch-joyconfig -j 1 >> /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg

    9) Grab the IP address and SSH into the device to continue configuration. The default user/password that comes with Raspbian is used: The username is “pi”, the password is “raspberry”.

    10) Let’s setup the player 2 controller for our emulators before we forget.

    cd /opt/retropie/configs/all/
    vi retroarch.cfg

    Copy and paste the entire section that begins with “input_player1_” and change it to “input_player2_”. Don’t forget to change the “input_player_joypad_index” to 1 or 2 as well.

    Note: If you have a keyboard connected, things can be a little odd. You may need to change the joypad index to 0 and 1 if you remove the keyboard, which I’m going to do.

    At the end of the retroarch.cfg file, it is a good idea to add the following to allow you to press select+start to exit the game.

    input_enable_hotkey_btn = “8”
    input_exit_emulator_btn = “9”

    I also like to take advantage of the save and load states in emulation, which some people consider cheating. Add the following lines to enable these buttons on your joypad.

    input_save_state_btn = “4”
    input_load_state_btn = “5”

    After this has been done, you can hold select and press the L and R paddles to save and load states respectively.

    11) Run configuration.

    sudo raspi-config

    12) Change password.

    13) Change Memory-split to 384.

    14) Expand root file system to fill entire SD card.

    15) Force audio out of audio jack (instead of HDMI).

    16) Exit from tool and reboot.

    17) SSH back in (if you are using DHCP, the resizing of the file system can cause an IP change).

    18) Now we need to ensure that pisnes is the active emulator in Emulation station. Pisnes has problems playing some of the later games, like Yoshi’s Island, but performs way better than the RetroArch version. It is up to you whether you can handle the lag and broken sound in RetroArch.

    cd /etc/emulationstation
    sudo vi es_systems.cfg

    Change the section for SNES by uncommenting out the line for pisnes, and commenting out the current line. It should look like this when you’re done.

    <fullname>Super Nintendo</fullname>
    <extension>.smc .sfc .fig .swc .SMC .SFC .FIG .SWC</extension>
    <command>/opt/retropie/emulators/pisnes/snes9x %ROM%</command>

    You can also edit this file to remove other emulators. I deleted the Apple, Ports, and DOS emulators by commenting out their respective sections.

    19) Now we need to configure the controller for pisnes.

    cd /opt/retropie/emulators/pisnes
    sudo vi snes9x.cfg

    Edit this file to match your controller. Here is my config file:

    # Get codes from /usr/include/SDL/SDL_keysym.h

    # Get codes from “jstest /dev/input/js0”
    # from package “joystick”
    #Joystick axis

    # Display Effect: 0 none, 1 scanlines, 2 phospher
    # NOTE Phospher does not run at full speed

    # Sound rates below as index, i.e. 7=44100 (some of these produce static)
    # 0, 8192, 11025, 16000, 22050, 29300, 32000, 44100

    20) Now copy your Roms to the SMB shares (ex. \\RaspberryPi\snes is where the Super Nintendo ROMs go).

    21) All done? Reboot and game on.

    sudo reboot

    22) And once you are happy for a few days, go back into “raspi-config” and overclock your pi, if you are feeling daring. It will iron out some of the annoying blips in audio. I purchased a few heat sinks just in case.

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